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Triennale Game Collectionapp预约

发布时间:2023-05-17 22:11:32来源:悦考网游作者:悦考网游

The Triennale Game Collection is a virtual exhibition of video games created for the XXI Triennale International Exhibition by five of the world’s most renowned independent game designers, showcasing these artists’ experimental approach to interactivity. The five featured artists are: Mario von Rickenbach Christian Etter (Dreii, Plug Play), Tale of Tales (Luxuria Superbia), Cardboard Computer (Kentucky Route Zero), Pol Clarissou (Orchids to Dusk), and Katie Rose Pipkin (Mirror Lake). Each week for five weeks a new game will be available in the collection. These games are self-contained takes at interactive narrative, puzzles, and exploration. The Collection is curated by Italian game designer Pietro Righi Riva and the virtual space in which the exhibition takes place is produced by Italian game studio Santa Ragione, makers of the “Best of 2014” AppStore hit FOTONICA.

艺术风合集更多 《艺术大师》是一款最具有复古艺术气息的怀旧像素风游戏,回到过去与那些知名的艺术大师们亲密接触,体会创作艺术品的艰辛与喜悦~带领玩家领略艺术的魅力与神奇,向那些从古至今的艺术大师们致敬!【游戏特色】——像素画风——回味经典的像素画风,让玩家能够以休闲的心态融入复古艺术中,欣赏一个个激萌的角色和一幅幅美轮美奂的艺术作品~——文艺复兴——整体游戏背景为文艺复兴时期,艺术大师与投资人散布于欧洲各个城市,充 Triennale Game CollectionTriennale Game Collection




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