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发布时间:2023-05-29 19:29:19来源:悦考网游作者:悦考网游

爱笔思画X是一个办公软件,是一个非常受欢迎且专业的绘图工具,用户可以自由的绘画出自己想要的各种画作哦,里面为用户带来一整套绘画工具,比如涂抹、模糊、画笔、套索、图层、色彩、选区等等各种功能,用户可以轻松的制作出自己的画作哦。 软件特色 添加素材:添加场景、道具和文字对话 创作多格:可创作多格漫画及长篇连载漫画 表情动作:根据你的剧本选择角色适合的动作和表情 分享作品:完成可通过QQ、微信等社交平台分享你的作品 创建角色:创建角色,自己或朋友,也可以幻想中的他(她)哦 小编评价 这是一个专业的手机绘画工具软件,是漫画创作者或者设计师必备的一个绘画工具,功能强大且制作效果非常好,值得推荐给大家! 更新日志Thank you for using ibis Paint X!The summary of this update is as follows.[Improvements]- Changed to save playback restored artworks as separate artworks.- Improved to complete repair with the current playback result when an error occurs during playback restoration.- Improved tab, category, and scroll position recording when closing the Material tool window, and restoring it the next time it is opened.- Changed the brush pattern to follow the rotation/reversal of the Array Ruler even if the vertex knob of the Array Ruler is not moved.- When "Billboard Display on Array Ruler" is enabled, the rotation direction of the brush pattern due to "Following Rotation" being enabled has been changed to the same as when there is no Array Ruler.- When using Array Ruler, Elliptical Ruler is enabled, and "Following Rotation" and "Bind the Center on Elliptical Ruler" are enabled, the brush pattern direction is now reversed depending on the direction of rotation of the brush stroke.- Array Ruler is changed to always draw in the same order.[Fixed Bugs and Problems]- Fixed a bug that could cause layer pictures to break when the automatic repair process is executed after editing a artwork for a long time.- Fixed a bug that when merging layers, if the layer opacity of the layer to be merged is less than 100%, the merged result may be incorrect.- Fixed a problem in the font list window where the scroll position was reset in certain cases.- Fixed a bug that could cause a freeze when trying to edit a artwork that requires playback repair.- Fixed a problem in which playback of brush strokes with "Separate Each Stroke" turned off could result in incorrect playback.- Fixed a bug in which brush patterns were not always visible when the brush parameter was set to type "Double", "Bind the Center on Elliptical Ruler" was enabled, or "Absolute Shadow Size" was enabled.- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when drawing with a brush whose brush parameters are type "Double" and "Anti-aliasing" disabled using a vertex manipulated array ruler.- Fixed a bug that caused brush patterns to shrink incorrectly or not shrink at all when Array Ruler was used, Elliptical Ruler was enabled, and "Following Rotation" and "Bind the Center on Elliptical Ruler" were enabled.- Fixed a bug in which brush patterns sometimes did not line up correctly in a grid pattern when the brush "Dot" was used in conjunction with Array Ruler.- Fixed a bug that when using Array Ruler, the angles of patterns drawn by brush with scatter and "Angle Based on Center" enabled were sometimes incorrect.- Fixed a bug that caused drawing anomalies on small canvas sizes when using brushes with dot values set when the brush parameter "Anti-aliasing" is enabled and the thickness is a half-integer (number containing .5 in the decimal part).[New Features in ver.10.0.0]- Changed maximum canvas size from 4096px to 16384px. (On some devices it may be smaller than this.)- Support for 600 dpi on A4 paper. (On some devices it may not be supported due to hardware limitations.)- Added the ability to display the guidelines of the manga manuscript paper on the canvas.- Added grid function. (In the View menu, you can switch the grid on/off and jump to the settings window for the grid.)- Added the ability to extend and reduce the selection area in the Selection menu.- Added a feature to change background color of the Canvas screen.- Added the View menu at the top of the Canvas screen. (Within the View menu, it is possible to switch between the reference window display and interpolation when zooming.)- Added the ability to select the display method of the layer reduced image displayed in the Layer window from "Entire" and "Drawing Area". (This can be set from the Settings Window User Interface - Layer Window Reduced Image.)


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